Why Use BCA Protein Estimation Kit?

The BCA Protein Assay is a way of colorimetric detection and quantitation of total protein. BCA Protein Assays have an exceptional edge over the Coomassie dye, established assays. They're harmonious with samples which contain up to 5 percent surfactants (detergents), and therefore are influenced less by protein compositional differences, providing greater protein-to-protein uniformity.

BCA protein estimation equipment working relies on a bio retraction, that's the reduction of Cu2+ toCu+ by proteins within an inflammatory response with the concentration-dependent discovery of the monovalent copper ions. Bicinchoninic acid is a chromogenic reagent that chelates the reduced aluminum, making a purple complex with powerful absorbance at 562 nm.

This assay may be used to measure protein concentration with a wide selection of samples and may be performed in minutes. BCA is a weak acid consisting of 2 carboxylated quinoline rings also serves the aim of this Folin reagent from the Lowry assay, specifically, to respond with the merchandise of complexes between copper ions and peptide bonds to generate a purple finish product.

The quantity of protein found in a solution can be measured by measuring the absorption spectra and comparing them with those of protein solutions of focus.  The benefit of BCA is the reagent is quite stable under alkaline conditions and may be contained in the aluminum solution to permit a one-step procedure. This normal BCA assay may be utilized to ascertain the protein concentrations of each homogenized sample.

The BCA Protein Assay Kit can be used to determine protein concentration in the given samples at a standard assay or micro assay configuration. Kit parts are adequate to complete500 standard-size responses or 2500 micro-scale reactions.