What can Revision Rhinoplasty Do For You?

Sometimes, rhinoplasty does not go as planned. In these cases, a second procedure is necessary to correct the problem. This is called revision rhinoplasty. The plastic surgeon isn't performing a complete rhinoplasty but simply revising the previous work.  

This can be used to fix mistakes, conceal scarring or redo an older nose job that is losing its shape. Because of their expertise and skill, rhinoplasty specialists often get sought after for revision rhinoplasty. You can contact the best specialists for the treatment for revision rhinoplasty in Toronto from drtorgerson.com/surgical-procedure/nose/revision-rhinoplasty/.

Revision rhinoplasty is something you need to consider if you're considering it.

1. How does your nose look right now? 

2. Are there scars from previous surgeries? Is there any scarring? 

3. What is the problem? 

4. Is it possible to correct the problem with revision rhinoplasty.   

5. How is the patient's mental health? Are they looking for revision rhinoplasty because of a legitimate reason? Or are they possibly addicted to surgery? 

These 5 factors are essential for successful revision rhinoplasty. You can either go back to your original surgeon or consult a specialist in revision rhinoplasty. Revision rhinoplasty specialists have the expertise and training to perform correct rhinoplasty.  

Revision rhinoplasty may also be necessary to correct a distorted or oversized nose. These errors are not usually the fault of the surgeon. Sometimes it can be difficult for patients to visualize their new nose until they have it done. These errors can be corrected easily by an Irvine revision rhinoplasty surgeon.

A rhinoplasty surgeon can correct almost any imperfections. Once you have identified the necessary fixes, a plastic surgeon can transform your nose.