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Types of Rolls Royces Cars in Sydney

The Rolls Royce wedding car is a vehicle that is traditionally chosen by the bride and groom to take them on their wedding day. The car typically has a luxury feel, with features such as a beds, a bathroom, and even its own driver. Some couples prefer to use a Rolls Royce wedding car because it symbolizes wealth and power to their guests.

You can also opt for the best rolls royce bridal wedding cars in Sydney from online sources. These cars are synonymous with extravagance and style, and they're perfect for a lavish wedding ceremony.

Here's a look at the Rolls-Royce wedding car lineup:

The Ghost Series – This is the most popular Rolls-Royce wedding car lineup, and for good reason. The Ghost Series is sleek and sophisticated, with an unmistakable aristocratic feel. These cars come in a range of colors and styles, so you can find one that perfectly matches your wedding theme.

The Wraith Series – If you want something a little more dramatic, the Wraith Series is perfect for you. These cars are sleek and black, with an exposed engine and intricate design details. They're perfect for couples who want to stand out on their special day.

The Classic Silver Collection – If you want something classic but still luxurious, the Classic Silver Collection is perfect for you. These cars are all silver, with subtle details like embroidered bench seats and hand-carved door handles. They're elegant but not too formal, making them ideal for any wedding celebration.