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Arthritis Physiotherapy: What You Need To Know

Arthritis is a condition caused by the inflammation of one or more joints. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and juvenile arthritis. OA is the most common type, affecting around 50 million people in the United States, while RA affects around 2 million people. There are many different causes of arthritis, which can be environmental (such as exposure to chemicals), genetic or autoimmune in origin. You can find affordable  Arthritis Physiotherapist  via https://instepphysio.ca/  .

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     The Types of Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition where the joints become inflamed and damaged. There are many different types of arthritis, but all share some common features. Arthritis can affect any joint in the body, but it most commonly affects the joints in the hands, feet, hips, and spine.

There are two main types of arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks the synovium (the fluid that covers the joints) as if it were a foreign object. 

What You Can Do to Prevent Arthritis

One of the most common chronic diseases is arthritis. It is a condition in which the joints become inflamed and difficult to move. Symptoms vary depending on the type of arthritis, but can include pain, stiffness, and limited movement. Arthritis can develop at any age, but is more common in middle-aged adults.

There is no one cure for arthritis, but there are treatments that can help ease symptoms. Medications can reduce inflammation and pain, while exercise and physiotherapy can improve joint function. There are also lifestyle changes that you can make to help reduce your risk of developing arthritis. These include eating a healthy balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.