Coping Mechanisms For Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson's disease is also known as rocking paralysis. The cause is unknown, but symptoms of this disease appear when two substances in the brain, dopamine, and acetylcholine, are damaged. These two substances are needed to carry messages between nerve cells and muscles throughout the body. When the amount of dopamine in the brain decreases, the nerve signals in the brain get confused.

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Parkinson's Disease: Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention - Medlife Blog: Health and Wellness Tips

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Dopamine helps control muscles and without it, the body would have a hard time controlling its own movements. People with this condition usually experience severe tremors in the arms, hands, feet, or face, or they may experience stiffness in their limbs and may also have problems with incontinence. They also usually have slow movement and problems with posture and balance. Extreme cases of illness can cause difficulty chewing, swallowing, and even speaking. 

Parkinson's Disease Treatment:

There is currently no cure for this disease, but there are many treatment options. Medicines can help produce dopamine by stimulating the nerves responsible for it. Other medications can help with Parkinson's disease symptoms by stimulating the muscles to reduce stiffness. Other people can help with tremors. In some cases, there may be an operation that a person can perform. Electrodes can be implanted in the brain to stimulate specific areas.